Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Electric City Creative Issue #3: EXPAND

Holy cow, it's true! Electric City Creative is back with a new issue. You may have been wondering what was going on in our neck of the woods, releasing only 2 issues since July. Aren't we supposed to be a monthly publication? Yes, but sadly, that is not feasible at this time. Due to lack of staff and other writing commitments, Electric City Creative will now be a quarterly magazine until further notice.
Our new publishing schedule is as follows:
February 2011 - Winter, Issue #4
May 2011 - Spring, Issue #5
August 2011 - Summer, Issue #6
November 2011 - Winter, Issue #7
And so on.
But wait a minute, you say. If the Winter issue is supposed to publish in November, then what are we doing with Issue #3 in December? That's a good question, and I don't have a good answer for you other than an apology. That said, I hope you enjoy the new issue. As a reminder, the layout looks more magazine-like if viewed with 2 pages side by side. Play with your PDF reader page view settings.
What will you find in Issue #3: EXPAND?
-Tyson Habein goes on a road trip to some of Helena's art galleries. At the Holter Museum of Art, he sees work from Jennifer Li, Barry Hood, Russell Chatham, Dudley Dana, and the exhibit "Outside the Box: The Art of Wood." Over at the Turman Larison, he sees contemporary pieces from Christine Joy, Phoebe Toland and Linda Stoudt.
-Profile: Photographer Stephanie Elliott. Though Stephanie now resides in London, England, she grew up in Great Falls. She also contributes this month's photo spread, "Scenes From Home," taken during a recent trip back to Montana.
-First Friday: A roundup of several of the art exhibits that took place since September. Included are Paris Gibson Square's "Spirit of Women" event and their night of "Speed Painting." Montana Arts Association, Gallery 16, Portal Gallery, Lodestone Gallery, Amazing Gallery and Winston Publishing are also featured. Artists featured include jewelry-maker Hallie J. Wilson, photographer Ali Winberry, curator Bob Durden, painter Deeling Gregory and sculptor Judy Ericksen.
-Po' Girl at Machinery Row. Sara Habein talks about one of the best live shows to hit Great Falls. Photos by Tyson Habein.
-Liner Notes: This issue, Sara ruminates on musical hunches and the thrill of discovery.
Read All 34 pages HERE. As always, thanks for reading. A print edition through MagCloud will be available soon.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Electric City Creative Advertising Rates
We offer the following rates for advertisements per issue:
•Full Page Ad: $75
•Half Page Ad: $50
•Quarter Page Ad: $30
•5 Issue Ad Package, Full Page: $319
•5 Issue Ad Package, Half Page: $213
•5 Issue Ad Package, Quarter Page: $128
•Custom ad design available, contact for rates
Launched in July 2010, Electric City Creative now publishes 4 times per year:
November 20th (Fall)
February 20th (Winter)
May 20th (Spring)
August 20th (Summer)
Ultimately we'd like to become a monthly magazine, but we will grow over time and add staff as we go.
Digital media is stronger than ever — it's free, it has unlimited circulation, and it can help your business reach a whole new audience. Best of all, your money will help support our local creative culture. Email us to set up your advertising today. Thank you!
Sara Habein
Editor and Publisher, Electric City Creative
electriccitycreative AT gmail DOT com
(Remember: All contributors get a free 1/4 page ad in the issue in which their work appears, and all other ad profits split between the contributors for that given issue.)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Print Edition of Issue #1 Now Available For Purchase
Electric City Creative Issue #1: LAUNCH Issue 1: #1: LAUNCH
Electric City Creative's first issue includes:-An interview with Great Falls own bestselling author, Jamie Ford-Coverage of July's First Friday Art Walk, with work from Ron Ukrainetz, Lisa Easton, Tim Willey, Megan Eaves, Jolene Monheim, Mercedes Brown, Theresa Gong, and Darlene Sanford-Sara H…
Friday, August 27, 2010
Print Edition of Issue #2 Now Available For Purchase
Electric City Creative Issue #2: BOUNDLESS Issue 2: #2: BOUNDLESS
Electric City Creative's second issue includes:-Tyson Habein's interview with Helena painter Thomas Chvilicek-Profile of Montana Shakespeare in the Parks-Scenes from both The Montana State Fair and Alive @5 with Red Elvises-First Friday Art Walk, featuring art from Ngawang Chojor, Sheree Nels…
Issue #1 coming soon. Print issue prices will vary upon the number of pages that specific issue has.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Electric City Creative: Issue #2: BOUNDLESS

Electric City Creative Issue #2: BOUNDLESS
Greetings once again, Great Falls. Here we have our second issue, almost double the size of our first. We hope you enjoy it.
What can you expect this month?
-Tyson Habein's interview with Helena painter Thomas Chvilicek
-Profile of Montana Shakespeare in the Parks
-Scenes from both The Montana State Fair and Alive @5 with Red Elvises
-First Friday Art Walk, featuring art from Ngawang Chojor, Sheree Nelson, James Bason, Wrangler Galleries and Cliff Rossberg
- And in her column "Liner Notes," Sara Habein talks about the ways Great Falls' live music scene could improve.
While viewing the magazine, we suggest you set your reader to view two pages side by side in order to make it more like a double page spread in a print magazine. The content and our layout just look better that way.
And speaking of printed magazines, stayed tuned to find out how you can purchase a print edition of Electric City Creative. We will have the details available shortly.
Thanks for reading!
Edit/Correction: Thomas Chvilicek's art opening at the Sola Cafe in Bozeman will now likely occur in April/May 2011. Visit his website for details as they come.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Electric City Creative: Issue #1: LAUNCH

Electric City Creative Issue #1
So here we are, up and running. ECC's first issue is now available for your reading pleasure. As we are a new publication, our design will continue to evolve and the amount of content will likely fluctuate from month to month. As always, we would love to hear from you regarding any content suggestions. If there are ever any technical issues, let us know about that as well.
If you are a writer or photographer, we also welcome contributors. Please email us at electriccitycreative [at] gmail [dot] com for details.
Now then, what can you expect this month?
-An interview with Great Falls own bestselling author, Jamie Ford
-Coverage of July's First Friday Art Walk
-Sara Habein has an ongoing music column, LINER NOTES. This month, she talks about listening to the radio and Great Falls DJs.
Two things about LINER NOTES: Each month, Sara will also have supplementary material to her column posted over on her blog, Glorified Love Letters, so be sure to check that out too.
Also, this month's LINER NOTES photo is by Tyson Habein.
Our logo is designed by graphic designer extraordinare John Dalke. Thanks again to him for helping us out.
Now go read!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Electric City Creative
In the meantime, check out our old haunt, SPOKE(a)N(e) Magazine