Yes, after long last, we finally have a new issue, and it's a big one.
What will you find?
- A profile on musician Ryan Johnson
- A profile on artist/musician/producer Corey Fisher
- Tyson Habein discusses the possibilities and current strides being made for hip hop in Montana
- Contributing photographer Seth Dahl presents his photo essay, "Colorado River"
- A photo roundup of our New Year, New Art party held January 25th
- February's First Friday Art Walk, with highlights including Jeff Dawson, Levi Johnson, Sterling Washington, Janice Oehlke, and Josh Wilkinson
- In Liner Notes, Sara Habein reviews both Dana Jo Forseth's Driven EP and Jonathan Ravenscroft's self-titled debut.
Do check it out!
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Also, don't forget to RSVP for the Infinite Disposable book release party. It promises to be a lot of fun.
Until next time, thanks for reading.
Edited to Add: Print Editions are now available through MagCloud:
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